Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Current Situation of Rare Earth Metal in the World

Wide Applications of Rare Earth Metal

Rare earth metals, a collection of 17 metallic elements of similar properties and structures, play essential roles during manufacturing various wide ranges of high tech applications. Moreover, Rare earth metals offered by the rare earth manufacturer and rare earth supplier are the vital components for high tech products production, such as phones and hybrid cars. Besides that, they are also applied in computer discs, guided missiles, TV screens and microphones, photo-voltaic cells, energy-efficient lighting, wind power and so on.

The Advantage of Rare Earth Metal in China

The essential issue is the fact that rare earth metals from rare earth manufacturer and rare earth supplier are not found in economically viable concentrations in any one place. They are spread out across the planet and are typically extracted as a by-product of other mining activities. Because of this, the cost of procuring them may be prohibitively high. Over the past decade or more, the only nation mining rare earth metals in great quantities has been China. Therefore, China has become a stranglehold on the marketplace, controlling more than 95 % in the world trade, which include nearly two valuable rare earths - Dysprosium and Neodymium. With rising domestic demand, and ostensibly to protect the environment through limiting mining operations, China even imposed export restrictions lately, leading foreign producers and governments into somewhat of a panic. Other nations do have rare earths metal deposits, but China's low-cost labour and not too tight environmental restrictions have made it an advantage. But this dependence has made people to look for other economically viable sources. By now, geologists have searched one million metric tons of these valuable metals, such as lanthanum, cerium and neodymium, which could be adequate to satisfy the world's demands for ten more years depending on current consumption.

Increasing demands of Rare Earth Metal

Therefore, in the foreseeable future, China’s virtual monopoly with the rare earth metals supply from rare earth manufacturer and rare earth supplier will continue to remain as the rare minerals, with increasing demands around the world with growing prices. For those who are meant to find a professional services to enable them to make wise and profitable choices before decide to invest, our company would be ready to offer you various services and products.

This article is come from: http://www.soundspeakers.cn/index.php/the-current-situation-of-rare-earth-metal-in-the-world.htm

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