Wednesday, September 19, 2012

China Insulator Industry Development Needs

Smooth Development of China Insulator Industry

The development of China's power industry has brought unprecedented opportunities to the whole insulator industry, and the insulator industry should firmly grasp the rare opportunity to rely on technological progress, the development of new varieties, strengthen quality control to meet the needs of the power industry, especially high-end hollow market demand for porcelain insulators and casing products. composite insulator development in China has better adapted to the requirements of the development of the grid, has greatly improved the level of product quality, the insulator manufacturing level reached the international leading running performance is getting better and better. Domestic brittle fracture occurs a few cases of composite insulators autopsy also found mandrel breaking not occur in the exposed parts of the mandrel stress concentration, but is located near the end of the sheath seal fittings. This shows that the composite insulator core fracture occurred due to the effect of acid rain is very rare.

Failure Rate of Chinese Insulator Industry

Insulator failure rate of the industry in China are: Insulator is three over ten thousands (high voltage parts per million), glass and porcelain insulators are two over a millionth; the arrester health is stable; pillars and hollow insulators made great progress; casing products many problems. To this end, various manufacturing enterprises to further strengthen quality control, especially in design, materials and process control; strengthen sound science research combined to accelerate the development of new products continue to meet the demand of power grid construction; strengthen communication between the two parts, and serve for the common building of a strong and smart grid system. The whole industry of composite insulators is still in the process of rapid development, and there are still some constraints.

Insulator industry Problems

At present, there are two problems in the insulator industry: First, the concentration degree of the industry is small, and the enterprise scale is small, the industry-wide problem should be resolved as soon as possible to "break up" because of the small concentration; Second, we must make efforts to the research and development of basic materials applicable, to advance its technological progress. Insulator inter stage capacitance minimal long pole insulated structure, the insulation part of the voltage is very unevenly distributed. Wire end in the product, although equipped with a pressure ring, but its voltage gradient is still quite large, the lugs of the end portion during normal operation, although not appear corona, but the field strength has been almost the same with the corona field intensity. Wire ends exist in the product with the highest field strength parts, the high field strength accelerate the mandrel exposed at the saturated aqueous medium, good permeability of the epoxy resin to the proliferation of a low concentration portion along the glass fiber, so that epoxy impossible uniform residual anhydride curing machine and accelerate the penetration of water molecules, and the field strength of the mandrel circumferential parts have aqueous medium.

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